TECHTonic: Manila Convention: Learn Practices on how to introduce new technology
Introducing new technologies in business, society or academe can be complicated, especially if there are a resistance from its users. According to the book of Calestous Juma, (Professor of the Practice of International Development; Director, Science, Technology, and Globalization Project; Principal Investigator, Agricultural Innovation in Africa) Innovation and Its Enemies: Why People Resist New Technologies shows that there are many debates over new technologies that are framed in the context of risks to moral values, human health, and environmental safety. It also discussed how technological tensions are often heightened by perceptions that the benefits of new technologies will accrue only to small sections of society while the risks will be more widely distributed. It also reiterates the tension between the need for innovation and the pressure to maintain continuity, social order, and stability as one of today's biggest policy challenges.
That is why before deciding to adopt new innovations, there should be an identification of problems and how it will affect the business, society or the academe in the long run. There should also have a clear presentation of the issues that will address the need for the new technology and why its users should accept it.
Here are the 4 things to do before introducing the new technology:
1. Investigate – before adopting new technology into your system, you must identify the issue, find possible solutions and investigate how it will gain acceptance from its users.
2. Plan – the process of technological change should have a planning part to gain acceptance for the details.
3. Implement – this will determine if the initiative will be successful or not. New technologies require installation and setup which involve understanding of the people who will work with the new technology.
4. Evaluate – after a successful introduction and implementation of the new technology, the organization should perform an evaluation if the innovation will motivate employees and will improve the company performance.

Discover the breakthroughs that are significant to foster more sustainable mobility and enhanced life on July 29 and 30, 2017, at the TECHtonic: Manila Convention 2017 (Culture for the Future).
Learn from the expert about the process of innovation, ways of organizations use their resources to innovate and the outcomes of innovation and how the innovation process is being stimulated by new technologies.
TECHTalks, Exhibits, Activities, Ideas will take place at the SMX Convention Center organized by PMCM Events Management from 10:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening.
Don’t miss this chance to discover innovations that will successively build positive social, academic and business culture.
Reserve your Booths now! Follow them in IG and like their FB at TECHtonicPh 2017.
Contact PMCM Events Management, one of the leading event’s organizers in Manila at 0995 281 3320 or +632 505 3746 / +632 501 0029 or send your inquiries at if you want to attend the forum or to become one of the exhibitors. StartUps are welcome to join. Pitch your ideas and be ready to be discovered by their investors locally and from abroad.