Last year (month of September to be exact), me and my MoveFWD loves went to Bali, Indonesia to attend the Ultra Music Festival. I'll tell you how I met them and why we went to Bali, Indonesia for Ultra Music Festival in my next blog entry. *wink*
Anyhow, let me tour you on our first tourist attraction - the Monument of Bajra Sandhi.
Entrance Fee --- Rp. 10,000 (Adult) / Rp. 5,000 (Child)
** our organizer hired a Tour Guide and a Minibus for our vacation **
Monday - Friday --- 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday --- 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday --- 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Bajra Sandhi Monument is located in front of the Bali Governor's Office in Depansar, Indonesia, on the island of Bali. It is also known as the Monument to the Struggle of the people of Bali. The monument was built in 1987 and was opened by president of Megawati Sukarno Putri on 14th June 2003.
The place is very historic for Balinese. You will feel it when you see all the statues and the photos/art craft (exhibition area) inside the building plus the monument itself. (Sorry, I didn't much take a photo inside the building, I got amazed and forgot to take a photo..*wink*)

The monument have three areas:
1.) Utama Mandala - the main building (in the center of the monument).
2.) Madya Mandala - the inner courtyard (surrounding the Utama Mandala).
3.) Nista Mandala - the outer courtyard (surrounding the Madya Mandala).
The Utama Mandala has three floors:
Ground floor - Nistaning Utama Mandala, it has administrative rooms, library, exhibition room and the restroom. There's a lake called Puser Tasik in the center this floor.
First floor - Madyaning Utama Mandala, it has 33 dioramas that represent the history of Balinese including the Balinese kingdom, the introduction of Hinduism, the Majapahit era, the Dutch colonialism and the struggle for independent.
Second Floor - Utamaning Utama Mandala, wherein you will see the panoramic view of Depansar.

Meet my MoveFWD team *miss you guys!*

Hope you enjoy it! If your planning to have a vacation in Bali, don't hesitate to message me. It's my pleasure to give you some information about Bali, Indonesia.
And oh! I forgot, there's a park located in Bajra Sandhi where you can jog and do some outdoor activities/exercises. I also heard that the monument is a favorite venue for prenup/wedding photoshoot. *wink*